Has working from home affected your posture.
Office life seems like a distance memory. Only a few weeks ago offices were bustling with chatter and the thought of working from home was only for the few, however now a large percentage of the UK population is doing just that. You’re probably reading this now from your laptop but where are you sitting and more importantly HOW are you sitting?
With many homes or flats lacking space for an ‘office’ space many people are now rotating between sofa, bed, kitchen table or even the floor. If you’re lucky enough to have an office space in your home you among the minority.
During these unprecedented times it’s important to remember that your workspace impacts your posture. Whilst we’re not open lockdown, we may still be able to help ease your aches and pains via video call or email them to prescribe exercises tailored to your specific needs.
However in the meantime why not try these easy tips to help prevent such issues occurring.
Level up
Many of you will be using a laptop to work on however with it’s portability comes limitations. Ideally you will connect an external keyboard and mouse and create a makeshift laptop stand so that the top of the laptop is eye level. However, if this isn’t an option make sure you mix things up, stand up every half an hour and avoid the sofa at all costs. The lure the sofa not only signifies switching off, it’s also not ideal for posture due to the way it promotes your body to relax.
Don’t forget to stretch
During this unusual time you might not be moving around as much as you’re used to, with less time outside it’s easy to get caught up in work and realise you haven’t moved for hours. Stand up and get away from your desk for 5 minutes, whilst taking the time to stretch. Start with some simple ‘shoulder rolls’ and spinal stretches – to do these sit down with your legs straight out in front of you, toes pointed towards the ceiling. Sit up with your back straight. Take a deep breath in and while you are exhaling reach out straight in front of you. Make sure you are not reaching for your toes but straight out in front of you.